Global Leadership Learning:
Launching a development program for
an emerging cohort of leaders

Fostering organizational design maturity and professional growth


Leadership Learning emerged from a program called Design Maturity Initiative that was conceived by several design leaders as a reaction to a shift to remote work, observed trends among designers and researchers who felt stunted in their growth trajectories, visibility at work, ability to demonstrate business impact.

I owned the Leadership Learning objective - one of 3 critical design maturity objectives - and convened the group that supported it. Tailored to meet the needs of our cohort, we launched a speaker series, self-led learning program and library of resources, and a topical program of master classes.


  Scope & role:

  • Initiative leader for the Global Leadership Learning program

  • Convened a team of 3-6 rotating contributors who supported programming and development based on their own skills, interests, and professional development needs

  • Evolved the initiative and offering over 2.5 years from rough proposal to multi-faceted program

  Key achievements:

  • Grew the scope and audience of the initiative, extending to the global Firm Design Guild of over 2000 creative professionals, and connecting to other craft development resources

  • Created a standalone program from a modest objective

  • Launched multiple distinct offerings including: quarterly speaker series, workshops and events, classes, and materials for supporting individual growth needs



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